Privacy Policy




In the course of advising our clients, our law firm necessarily collects and retains non-public personal and financial information to enable us to address their particular needs in a professional and thorough manner. As the legal issues facing each client are unique, the type and quantity of information gathered varies greatly. For example, our estate planning clients may disclose to us personal family history, medical conditions, individual net worth statements, and past tax returns for both themselves and any closely held businesses they own.

We will not disclose the personal and financial information you share with us to anyone outside of our firm unless you ask us to do so. Not only do ethical rules applicable to the practice of law in New Jersey prohibit such disclosure, but we realize that to do so would be a breach of the trust each of you has placed in me as your attorney.

To help ensure that any information you provide us will not be disclosed to an outside party inadvertently, it is our standard office practice to keep such information in a separate file pertaining to your representation only, and to contact you personally prior to releasing any information to a person outside of our firm.

If you have any questions about the confidentiality and security of your personal and financial information, please feel free to contact me.